Our third and final event was held on 26th August at The Smuggins, Susan's and Davy's croft. It was a typical Shetland day - wind, sun and showers. More than fifty people were there to select their Russian roses and to help launch Susan's new project, The Claesline Gallery.

We hung the pegbags outdoors on the clothesline, although due to the unpredictable weather, we had to hang the roses and the photographs indoors.

Like at the Manezh Gallery in St Petersburg, visitors took great interest in Susan's peg collection.

We hung most of the roses that the Russians made for us to bring to Shetland in the kitchen, appropriately alongside Susan's washing machine!

We hung Susan's photographs of Shetland washing lines in the sitting room, or 'butt', in Shetland Dialect.

Everyone was very happy to receive their roses, messages and drawings. June and Stanley especially want to send a message of happiness and good will to the person who made this rose.

Many of our visitors walked up the road carrying their roses to our local community hall for Sunday Afternoon Tea organised by the Burra History Group.
We feel sad that the project has ended. We have been very touched and moved by the warm and enthusiastic response to our invitation to participate in both Shetland and Russia. We have fond memories which we will share in future as we have been invited to give some talks about the project.
Once again we would like to thank everyone who has taken part and helped at each stage. Without their support this project would not have been possible.
If you would like to contact us, please send an email: domesticdialogues@hotmail.com