We arrived today after our day off and found a group happily making roses and writing tags. The supplies needed replenishing, but that was all we really needed to do. We went to the buffet and spent the rest of the day there chatting with other artists and visitors to the exhibition.

Anya Zhyolud’ is one of the exhibiting artists who showed us a catalogue of her work and discussed her work in Dialogi with us. She is from St Petersburg originally but now lives in Moscow. She is showing a number of works which have caught our eye from the first day we came to set up. This work draws on the idea of a greenhouse which is a place to nourish and foster young plants. She is using this idea to symbolise her project where she has brought together 60 young artists’ work on a plasma screen. In this structure she has written the names of young artists on each green pole. She is organising exhibitions for young artists in the future, including one in Manezh in 2009. You can see more about the project on the website www.sessia-pro.com

Stephan Potengowski is from Germany. He showed us a few catalogues of previous works which complemented some of the ideas in his work at Dialogi. They were very beautiful and also had many layers of meaning. He has brought a caravan to Dialogi which was made in the same year he was born, 1970. It was designed by a German aeronautical engineer. Stephan invites folk in to sit and chat.