When she arrived today Susan sat on the steps and watched people make roses. There were two couples and a young woman, most strangers to one another. They appeared relaxed, quiet and thoughtful. One young couple were making elaborate constructions, no one was in a hurry.

We finally managed to count all the roses today. There are over 400 so far. This figure isn’t entirely accurate, but for now we feel it’s close enough.

Today Roxane went to buy more floral tape. We have had a constant concern about the quantity of supplies we need to make the roses, and we weren’t sure we brought enough with us from Shetland. To our surprise, the floral tape ran out first. We went to five flower shops to find some, and eventually one woman gave us an address for a big floral firm called ‘Orange’. It turned out to be quite an adventure. While travelling there on the metro Roxane was taking photos in the station and was stopped by the Transport Police and fined 100 roubles on the spot. In the end they had a nice chat, and he explained the best route for her to take. The flower wholesaler was located in a fantastic brick building and a fleet of vans, all painted with different flowers, was parked outside.

We weren’t able to fit in all the photos from the opening that we wanted to show. This picture shows a grandmother with her granddaughter, who was celebrating her 21st birthday that very day.